What is a clean room

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Clean Room is a complex technical room where the counting concentration of pollutants suspended in air, microorganisms are maintained within certain limits.

Particles are generally understood to be a solid, liquid or multiphase object or microorganism with dimensions from 0.005 to 100 μm. When classifying clean rooms, particles with lower threshold sizes of 0.1 to 5.0 μm are taking into account.

Cleanroom is a room in which a countable concentration of aerosol particles is monitored. It is constructed and used to minimize the generation, and accumulation of particles inside the room, while allowing other parameters such as temperature, humidity and pressure to be monitored.

At the heart of architectural and building solutions for creating a clean room is the principle of building a “room in the room.” The working area of ​​a clean room is formed by a space limited by the use of encapsulated elements of enclosing structures.

An important characteristic of a clean room is its cleanliness class.

Cleanliness class is characterized by a classification number that determines the upper limit of the maximum allowable counting concentration of aerosol particles in 1 m3 of air.

By the way of constructing the architecture of the ventilation and air conditioning system, clean rooms can be conditionally divided into 2 large groups:

There are three states of a clean room:

The room is completely assembled. Engineering systems are connected. Equipment, materials and personnel are absent.

The room is fully equipped with working equipment. Staff is absent.

The room functions in an established manner. Personnel performs work functions.



The main structural materials:

Creation of a system of supply and exhaust ventilation:

Air preparation system:

Installation of lighting and wiring:

Installation of automation and control system of a maintained class of cleanliness:

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