Cleanrooms for microelectronics

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There is a big amount of cleanrooms in microelectronic. Rapid development of this filed of industry arises the increasing quantity of cleanrooms. Microelectronics dictates strict requirements for purity class. It becomes more difficult to preclude contamination while manufacturing because of microcircuits decreasing size tendency. Even the smallest amount of metal, microorganisms either bacteria can damage microcircuit.

SanBela possesses background and knowledge in designing, installation and subsequent operation of cleanrooms for microelectronics. We create design that maximally satisfy the goals and needs of our Customer. We rationally reduce production costs and optimize costs to provide customers with competitive prices.


We use design of premises that protects material as efficiently as possible. It is needed when manipulations with open plates are taken place (etching, lithography, spraying). Those operations require the highest cleanliness class and air laminar flow.

Except of purity of the airspace, other parameters, such as humidity, temperature, heat and sound insulation, degree of illumination need to be maintained constantly.

Cleanrooms attendance should be carried out with minimal value, design must allow making adjustment without significant damage to production processes.

Concept includes a sealed gas distribution lay out system, a scheme for distribution of liquids, water purification facilities and other engineering assets.

High-tech management system simplifies the service of cleanroom key components: toxicity sensors, monitoring systems and work area.

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